Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 184,867,938 Issue: 488 | 1st day of Eating, Y13
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Unrealistic Expectations

by bitter_almond_tea

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The Wishing Well Avatar: Desperate?
Neopia gets imaginative.

by l_like_animals


Cabbage Generals Are Rude, or How I Doomed the World With Vegetables
It began with a routine trip to everyone's favorite magic shop. As usual, the store was packed to its gills with shoppers....

by dan4884


Jhudora's Journal: Part Five
"Terri?" I called, taking a step toward her. The next sound was my shrill scream as someone slapped her hand over my mouth and aimed a spell at me.

by sheik_30999


AAAlways playing
He must be doing this to troll the players, really.

Idea by thecrazyoo

by mudiikip

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