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Five Outfits Your Cybunny Will Love

by foo_foo_face


Cybunny Day has finally arrived and, as a gift for your Cybunny, you may want to buy him or her a new outfit. But, with so many choices, it may be hard deciding which one is best for your Cybunny. So, I have compiled a list of what I think are five of the best Cybunny outfits!

Cybunny Carrot Outfit

On Cybunny Day, your Cybunny may just want to forget about all of the week's worries, sit down and unwind. Therefore, they may want to throw on some nice, relaxing clothes. And what clothes could possibly be more comfortable and relaxing than the Cybunny Carrot outfit? The Cybunny Carrot Robe, Cybunny Carrot Hat and Cybunny Carrot Slippers are all made up of a lush, amazingly soft fabric that is sure to please even the grouchiest of Cybunnies. Your other Neopets will definitely be jealous when they see your Cybunny wearing it. Not only that, but the slippers and hat are also accented with miniature carrots! But, sadly, they are not real seeing as your Cybunny would gobble them up the first chance they got, if they were. Also, the slippers happen to be very useful for Cybunnies when it comes to sneaking around their owner's Neohome for a late night snack. So, if you don't agree with your Cybunny doing such things, you may not want to buy the slippers! But, even without them, your Cybunny will still be strutting around your Neohome in style, with this outfit!

Cybunny Tuxedo Outfit

Now, this outfit is perfect for any Cybunny who enjoys dressing up in the finest of clothes! The Cybunny Pocket Watch is layered with 24 CARROT (this article would not be complete without a carrot related pun) gold and is one of the highest quality and most accurate watches in all of Neopia. This is due to the fact that it is handmade by the most professional watchmakers out there. Along with that, the outfit contains a Black Satin Cybunny Top Hat. Much like the Cybunny Carrot Hat and Cybunny Carrot Slippers, it happens to have a small carrot sewn onto it. Except, um, this one appears to be real... Now, as for the Cybunny Tuxedo, it is made out of the absolute finest materials available. It also happens to include gold-encrusted cufflinks that go along with the Cybunny Pocket Watch perfectly! So, no matter where your Cybunny is, they'll have the attention of everyone around them.

Pretty Spring Cybunny Outfit

If your Cybunny is a fan of all things flowery and bright, they'll surely love this outfit! The main piece happens to be the Pretty Spring Cybunny Dress. This dress is made with a bright pink fabric that also includes a few sequins and is frilled at the top and bottom. Now, this may sound like a little too much pink, right? Well, never fear, there is also a dainty green bow in the middle of it which contains a small, white flower. The Pretty Spring Cybunny Shoes actually happen to go along with the bow quite well. They too are green (along with some yellow) and have a little white flower at the end. Also, these shoes are perfect for any Cybunny who likes to add a little extra height. The Pretty Spring Cybunny Wig also happens to compliment the whole outfit very nicely! The hair is a blonde colour, which matches the shoes, and the bow is green with white stripes and a pink flower that is the same shade as the dress. This outfit will definitely put the wearer in a happy mood!

Little Red Riding Hood Cybunny Outfit

This is a fabulous outfit for any Cybunny who plans to go on a stroll around Neopia or have a picnic with some old friends! The Little Red Riding Hood Cybunny Dress is mostly a pale blue colour (but does contain a bit of dark blue and purple) and features frills along the bottom, sleeves and collar. Along with that, it has light blue stripes and polka dots going down it. The shoes happen to be a deep red, have an elegant bow on the end, and have been shined to absolute perfection. This is to assure that you look your best when you're out and about. Also, the shoes happen to have built in socks which is great if you're in a rush! The Little Red Riding Hood Cybunny Cape goes along with the shoes exquisitely. It is also red and, as the description for it says, it really makes the outfit. The Little Red Riding Hood Cybunny Basket also adds a nice touch! It is made of a light-coloured wood and includes a purple and white cloth that is for putting over your food. Just remember to watch out for those Lupes!

Cybunny Miner Outfit

Any Cybunny who is interested in the Kreludor Mining Corp. will definitely find this outfit appealing! It is also great for those who enjoy doing a little digging out in the backyard. The Cybunny Miner Clothes includes a number of things. One of these is the nice, good quality denim overalls. The overalls include a few pockets that are great for storing any small supplies you may need. The Cybunny Miner Clothes also includes an orange belt, a brown sweatshirt with short sleeves, and two buttons which have the letter 'N' on them. (Although, it's unclear what this is supposed to stand for.) The Cybunny Miner Boots go along with the Cybunny Miner clothes magnificently! The inside of each boot is orange while the outside is, for the most part, blue and white. They are also very tough and sturdy! Perfect for those Cybunnies who are looking for some shoes they can keep for a while. Another part of the outfit -- the Cybunny Miner Hat -- is white with grey splotches and includes a large light that is perfect if you're perusing the darkest stretches of Moltara. But, the Cybunny miner Pick is, I think, the most important part of the outfit. It is what shows people that you really are a miner (or wish to be one, at least)! It is much like the Grundo Miner Pick except it has a more modern feel to it. Just remember: only use it when being supervised by a miner or if you're trained in the profession!

Hopefully you are now able to pick out an outfit suitable for your Cybunny. Have a great Cybunny Day!

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