Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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by dangercrow

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Cheesy Jokes! - Negg Festival
I don't know her...

by cheesetwo__ff


The Remnant: Part Twelve
"Speak now, Mr. Lockwood, and you can save your sister," the faerie said, her unwavering gaze fixed on his.

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Rebecca's Best Friend: Part Three
Whenever I walk across the hallways at school, people do not notice me. The worst thing is, I don't notice people, either.

by mannequin_of_jack


How Not to Go About Catching a Meepit
With a petpet catching net clamped in his beak and some tin cans of petpet food in his backpack, he was ready to go Meepit hunting.

by cowdogdusty

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