Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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10 Usukis Your Evil Pet Will Hate!

by mskitty95045


With so many evil or spooky pets, there is a common problem, namely, USUKIS! Your Usuki or girly pet might like them, or maybe even your not so girly or neutral pets. But let me tell you, your evil or spooky pets do not! There are three Ps to avoid with your Pirate, Mutant and Zombie pets: Pink, Purple, and Pastel. Most Usukis have one of those, if not all! Some Usukis even offend your pet's beliefs; for example, the Bat Thing and Lord Kass Usukis offend your Darigan pets, the Jhudora and Dark Faerie Usuki Dolls offend all Dark Faerie loving pets, the Bride of Frankenstein and Bruno Usuki offend all Haunted Woods pets, I could go on forever! Below, I have named some of the most offensive, frilly, girly, and just plain vomit-inducing-for-your-Evil-pet Usukis!

#10 Usuki Frenzy Usuki

The Usuki Frenzy Usuki is a Usuki, dressed in a Usuki dress, holding little Usukis. Your Girly pet would squeal, your Transparent Pet would wince. This Usuki is also a pretty penny, an average of 650,000 NP! So if you spend all of your savings for this toy and give it to your Evil pet instead of a cool new Battledome weapon, rare book, or spooky petpet/pet, prepare to get the cold shoulder for some months! To sum it up, this Usuki is an expensive toy that your Ghost pet will throw in a dumpster!

#9 Ballerina Usuki

This Usuki has her hair in a bun, and has such a darling Tutu, just the thing for your Halloween Koi, Right? WRONG! Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! Pink and frilly, are a big No-No when shopping for your Evil pet! The very thought of a Ballerina could make your Grey pet get green in the face, and not from envy! Ballerinas are bad, Usukis are worse, together they are horrible! For a small budget they are better than some other Usukis, roughly 20,000 NP, but they still could be cheaper! Over all, this toy is not a good gift for your Evil pet!

#8 Usuki Spring Basket

Spring is in the air! But not in your Evil pets' step, at least, not when on Easter they have awoken up to this Usuki instead of some nice Large Milk Chocolate Cybunnies or Jellybeans! This pastel pink Usuki is in a charming Wicker basket with nice green grass with flowers in it--well, not charming when you see its price! 500,000 NP for this little thing, and that much for something that your Evil pet will run from screaming, is it worth it? Not if you try to give it to a Spooky pet! They will just resell it if they have the brains! (No offense to Zombie pets intended!)

All in all, not the best buy for an evil pet!

#7 Emerald Queen Usuki Doll

This Queen is decked out in a fine gown of Emerald Green with cute little bows and an adorable little wig! But let me tell you, your Mutant pet will not think that this doll is cute or adorable! On the contrary, your Spooky pet will gag at the mere sight of it! You would too if you saw its price, a price so high that I could not find it! Yes, the price is really that high! But this doll would be a torment for both your bank account and your Evil pet. Basically, it's not the best thing to get for your Spooky pet!

#6 Magical Hair Usuki

Ah yes, the classic Magical Hair Usuki. The very Usuki that the Usukigirl and the Quigukigirl are modeled after. But will you notice that your Evil Battledome pet seems to fight harder if the other pet is an Usuki? Well, let me tell you why! All evil pets hate this doll, because it inspired the disgusting color, Usuki. But for the people out there who want a cheap, quick gift, I do admit that at 150 NP you do get a pretty good bang for your buck! But still, your Pirate Lupe will just tear it to shreds like it was a Yellow Chia Plushie. This cheap buy will make your pet cry, not the best toy bluntly!

#5 Deluxe Angel Usuki

This angel Usuki is not just a PLAIN doll, it is Deluxe! But your Darigan Zafara will recoil like a Kyrii when it sees an apple! Any good evil pet does not like an angel! But if you take a look at its price tag, you will be surprised to see the smaller price of about 35,000 NP, not bad for a Deluxe Usuki! But any evil-loving pet who does not like this doll needs to be locked away, because this pet is clearly insane! An evil pet not liking this is perfectly normal, otherwise is unexpected. Even with its smaller price tag, your Zombie pet will not be happy with it! To tell the truth, you might as well buy your pet some school books as this doll; your Spooky pet will enjoy them more!

#4 Goodie Two Shoes Usuki

Like the Deluxe Angel Usuki, the Goodie Two Shoes Usuki is only for only for your Goodie-Two-Shoes sort of pet! This doll has been known to enrage Mutants and to send Greys into huge Sulks. You will sulk too when you see its price! A nice round sum of 350,000 NP, this doll will make your wallet groan, and your evil pets! I do admit this doll is very cute, but most spooky and evil pets dislike cuteness to put it lightly. I do not advise this for most evil pets!

#3 Teenage Usuki

We all have been, are, or will be teenagers, but I don't think many teenagers are so fashionable as the Teenage Usuki! For a pink, plushie, royal or any other girly sort of pet, this doll is to die for! For any self-respecting Evil pet, this Usuki is a sickening flash of pastel purple. If this doll were real, she would be offended to know that she is only about 2000 NP! A cheaper doll, but your evil pet won't care how much or little that it costs; they only care about how fast they can toss it in the trash without you looking. It's a nice cheap doll if you just splurged all of your Neopoints on a Plushie paint job, but if you splurged them on a Pirate Paint Brush, bad choice!

#2 Valentines Girl Usuki

This Usuki is holding a darling little heart! And her heart headband matches her adorable pink dress, don't you think? Well, I asked one of my Punk-rocking Neopets and she gagged on the Neocola that she was drinking. She then rolled on the floor laughing, for this Usuki is NOT for Evil pets! This doll came in close second place only with the Collectors Edition Usuki Doll, and let me tell you, it was a well run race! But you'll gag too at its price! The price was so large, I could not find it! But as Valentines Day is the worst day of the year for Evil pets, this doll is greatly resented by all Evil or Spooky pets! You get the Picture; this doll makes your Zombie hide behind the couch in fright!

#1 Collectors Edition Usuki Doll

Here we are, at the most horrible, terrible, Nightsteed scaring, Werelupe freezing doll of all, the (Insert Evil drumroll here) Collectors Edition Usuki Doll!!! This green and purple Usuki is deemed the most horridly horrendous, terrible, tremendous doll of all! With an almost sickeningly purple hairdo, and a fancy green dress and tiara, this doll tops my list of Ghost pet freezing Usukis. Not only is this monstrosity of dolls a toy, but it's WEARABLE! That's right, you can make your poor pet hold it! But for the steep price of 400,00 NP! This doll will make your brave, seafaring pet shake in his (or her for that matter) boots! And your wallet! But now you know, my friend, the horrors of this toy. To say the least, this doll is on your Evil Pet's destroy list as soon as they see it!

Well, that's all! If you are reading this, then I made it in! Fanmail gets pie! ~Mskitty95045! :)`

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