Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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A Proverbial Nightmare: Real Rock Cakes

by funandgames999

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All Ears
"Beware of Ghosts"

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Warbler Vocabulary
Warbler couldn't resist the urge. He snatched the book and stuffed it entirely into his mouth, all in one piece. But that wasn't the case for long, as Warbler began tearing through it with his pointy canines.

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That One Unlucky Night
"What is that there, son? On your arm, a scratch I presume? And why do you need my help?" I questioned. He was nervous now. He settled down, but was nervous.

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The Strange Glazed Bowl
It wasn't just a normal bowl: it was brightly polished and had been pieced together form bits of broken stained glass windows. As a whole, the bowl was simply breath taking and unique.

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