Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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Tyrannian Victory Day!

by ilovejonulrich

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Cheesy Jokes! - Negg Festival
I don't know her...

by cheesetwo__ff


Rebecca's Best Friend: Part Three
Whenever I walk across the hallways at school, people do not notice me. The worst thing is, I don't notice people, either.

by mannequin_of_jack


Altador Cup VI: A Preliminary Analysis
The great summertime event known as the Altador Cup returns for its sixth annual competition and the teams have been preparing even more heartily than ever.

by niddyz


Just another day with Revhur and Valentyeen.

by saru_nakuta

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