Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 185,639,542 Issue: 498 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Academese #7

by prismfire

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My Little Monster 2/6
Yep, just a Haunted Woods fanatic.

by djudju22_8


The Roomies Ruin: Part Five
"Didn't they just issue an evacuation order about an hour ago? Why would anyone order a statue of Jhudora and have it sent there?"

by vanessa1357924680


The Usuki Singing Stars #8: The True Beauty
"Here I am," Sparkles gulped as she stared at the building in front of her. The pink Bruce couldn’t believe what she was going to do next; she was actually going to enter the Beauty Contest Hall!

by downrightdude


Tyrants and Heroes: Part Two
"We were about to go raid Chix's shuttle and rescue our lost ones," Bronco confessed. I did a mental face-palm.

by ellbot1998

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