A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Maths Nightmare?

by yampuff

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DoTS: Mission 500 Part 2 of 2
It is a bird! It is a Weewoo! No, it is a Chokato...?!

by soragin


The Travelling Newspaper
"Enter to hear tales of Weewoos, Chet Flash, Doctor Sloth, and many other astonishing things! Admission free of charge!"

by brilliantgrey


Cerena's Song 2: The Amulet's Curse - Part Six
I wonder if Cerena knows what had happened when she was only a baby, if she knows that this wicked old Acara is the cause of everything wrong in her life.

by btcomsa12


Phidianne and the Five Hundredth Dubloon: Part Three
"Third time's the charm," I thought, as my uncle's pirated schooner, the Five Hundredth Dubloon, sailed away...

by peirigill

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