teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 185,943,697 Issue: 502 | 8th day of Swimming, Y13
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One Fish, Two Fish

by fish_puddle

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The "Classic" Parade
The Classic Neohome Parade, like any other parade, consists of audience, "floats" and lots of fun.

by klarasaar


Not Such a Good Idea
Starring two of my neopets.

by 2cute30836


Darigan Dilemmas
This is why Chaotically is banned from participating in the AC...

by kinamiv


Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Two
Bluecloud and her family had some experience with finding Selkets, as they had come from the Lost Desert, where Selkets roamed galore. Unfortunately, they were better at squashing them...

by hedgehog_queen

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