Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,939,304 Issue: 510 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y13
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The Incredible Edibles - Summer Shipwreck

by seegensays

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The Brickwall

by demopetsneedlurve


Wandering: Xell's Story
Small desert shrubs clung to life in a clump to his left, and to his right in the distance, he saw the grey outline of mountains. And the Hissi known as Xellaration let a faint smile play on his lips. It was time to move, time to wander on.

by hzoo_26


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Idea by berry_boy23

by ribbit_rubbuit_wajet


Most Anticipated Events Left in Y13
The end of the year on Neopets is a most spectacular time.

Also by babygirl122187

by mythem

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