Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 186,687,340 Issue: 509 | 26th day of Hiding, Y13
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Don't Mess With the Faellie

by pinkpaint

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P3s die so beautifully; what magnificent bugs!

by grimagog1971


"I would like you to release a prisoner," Lord Darigan said lightly, turning away from Vex again.

"Release?" Vex sputtered.

by laurapet131


Enough Adventure for One Day: Part Two
We couldn't hear the voice of our beloved owner, who was somewhere else in the complex after being abducted.

It wasn't the ideal situation we wanted to be in on our very first family outing...

by 2dancers2robots


The Goofers - Baby Problem, part 3
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that alas, Paint Brushes are...

by lintsuf

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