White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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Avatar Adventures 2!

by invalid_character

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Stormclouds Over Meridell: Part Four
Quai permitted himself a cold laugh at the thought. Still Skarl denied any involvement in that theft, claiming he recovered the orb from smugglers on his shores.

by d_morton


Word Poker Trophy Tips
So, you're pretty snazzy at Word Poker at this point. You've read all the guides and tips out there and you get 1,000 NP every time. Something eludes you, though...

by turkeynamedlurkey


A Deal with the Daniels: Part Three
"Look at this place," Miri sighed. "It's been ravaged; it will take years to get it back to its former glory."

by a_greenparrot


Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Eight
It was all too clear that the mine's tunnels had been abandoned for lifetimes – there were drippings and scuttlings in the darkness beyond the range of their iridan lamp. Yaxal asked nervously, "Just how stable is the rock?"

by saphira_27

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