Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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The Chocolate Factory

by patjade

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Hero For a Day 6/6
A good warrior always cleans the battlefield after a fight!

by djudju22_8


Switched Beings, Switched Minds: Part Four
Then Xavier began to laugh. "Oh, all's well. Just a bit of a mix-up, that's all," he explained. "You know, three people. Three objects. Didn't think such a spell existed, but..."

by thornfoot2


No one sane would actually want to visit the Beast.

by warriorsrock965


Meepit Juice Headache
The meepits appear to be climbing a tree! You run outside and watch in horror as the meepits all climb, spread out around the tree chanting for their juice.

by faeirian

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