Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Negg Sandwich

by bubblegoldfish

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That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles
No Draiks were undeservingly harmed in the making of this comic.

by pikemaster1


A Renewed Hope: Part Four
She found Ria in the Training Room, expertly slashing dummies with a sword. "Um... Ria? What are you doing?" Janice asked, surprised.

by chimie119


Past Times: A Week in the Life of a Larnikin Soldier
What is this? It looks like an old diary. Wonder what this petpetpet's life was like... eons ago...

Also by 1335512

by chaotizitaet


Maybe he should've ordered a small set of contact lenses as well...

by lindanoosu

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