A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 187,618,584 Issue: 523 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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Ventures #9

by neo_coaster363

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Sketch Borovan- "Just... one... more"
"Sorry, there are no legal moves left!"

by izzywizard


Beautiful Chaos: Part Five
There was a faint rustling in the trees behind them and the party of four spun around nervously. "Was probably just a Mortog or something," Milo said confidently. "We get quite a few of those around here."

by tanikagillam


What's in a Name?: Part Four
"Someone must have stolen them, that's the only thing we can think of," Sophie supplied.

"But... the Wisp isn't powerful enough to muster that kind of magic," Morguss pointed out as the other two helped her back to her feet.

by herdygerdy


Switched Beings, Switched Minds: Part Three
"Time for what, Taelia?"

Taelia gave Cecelia a quirky look. "To cast the spell to reverse the switch, of course."

by thornfoot2

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