Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 187,760,157 Issue: 526 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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The Perfect Christmas Gift

by jessica_jellibean


It was early December and Lilah, my adorable little baby Shoyru, was at Neopia Central shopping around for Christmas presents. She only had one thing left on her list. She had to find the perfect gift for Serenity, the snorkle, her petpet. She knew what Serenity wanted, but could she afford it? Serenity had asked for a Mootix, to have a friend to talk to and play with while Lilah was traveling and writing her novels. If she really wanted to get her a Mootix, she'd have to fly all the way to Mystery Island, on the other side of Neopia, to check out the Trading Post.

     Lilah knew she couldn't leave Serenity home alone for the time that it'd take to get to Mystery Island. She would have to take her with her. She went home, packed a few things in a back pack, grabbed Serenity, and flew off towards Mystery Island.

      "Momma Lilah, where are we going?" Serenity asked on the flight there.

      "We're going to Mystery Island. I know you want a Mootix for Christmas and that's the only place that sells them. I'm not promising anything, though, sweetie. I'm just looking at some prices."

      Serenity was so happy. Even if she didn't get the Mootix for Christmas, she'd be happy with any gift. She knew Momma Lilah loved her and that was all that mattered. Besides, she loved traveling with Momma Lilah and looking at all the neat things you could buy at the Trading Post.

      Lilah was making good time on her trip and Serenity had fallen asleep as she always did on long trips. From the look of it, Lilah was almost to Mystery Island. She started to get excited and started to fly a little faster.

      Out of nowhere, the wind picked up. It made it very difficult for Lilah to fly. She flapped and flapped her wings, but she seemed to be going one foot forward and two backwards. She looked down and saw nothing but water. There was nowhere safe for her to land.

     Suddenly, a big gust of wind rushed towards Lilah. She slammed against it as if it were a brick wall. She started tumbling down towards the water. She was so frightened, she thought for sure she would hit the water. She was worried about Serenity. Lilah could swim but Serenity couldn't.

     Right before Lilah hit the water, a cloud painted Draik caught Lilah on his back. He started to speak, but her vision began to blur and his voice seemed to fade away. Exhausted, Lilah fainted.

     When she awoke, she could tell she was on Mystery Island. Immediately, she looked into her bag where Serenity had been. She was nowhere to be found. She began looking all over the room she was in, tossing and throwing things out of the way to see if she could find Serenity anywhere. Soon, Draik walked in and started to speak but Lilah cut him off.

     "Where's Serenity?!" Lilah demanded frantically.

      "I'm sorry, who?" the Draik replied.

      "Serenity, my snorkle, she was in my bag and now she's gone! Have you seen her?"

      "I'm sorry, miss. But when I rescued you, it was only you. I didn't see any petpets," the Draik calmly replied.

     Lilah was devastated. The worst came to her mind and she started sobbing. The Draik came and sat down next to her.

      "If it helps any with your worrying, such a small petpet would have been carried off with the wind. If you'd like, I can arrange a search party?"

      Lilah just nodded and pulled a picture of Serenity from her bag. She handed it to the Draik.

      "I'm sorry. I've been rude," Lilah said. "I didn't tell you my name and I haven't asked yours either. I'm Lilah. What's your name?" she asked, still crying.

     "It's fine, my dear. You're just upset. I would be too. My name is Lord Draco. It's very nice to meet you."

      Lilah attempted a smile, although it wasn't very convincing.

      "I'll round up some Neopians and start a search party."

      Lord Draco had the search party look high and low, on land and in the seas. They looked in Faerieland, Meridell, Brightvale, and the Haunted Woods. They looked in the Lost Desert, on Terror Mountain, Maraqua, Tyrannia, Kiko Lake, Lutari Island, Moltara, Roo Island, and Shenkuu. They had checked and double checked Mystery Island. They even looked for Serenity on Kreludor and the Virtupets Space Station. Where on Neopia could she be?

     Weeks went by with no sign of Serenity. Lilah had lost all hope. She began to cry.

     "I'll never find my sweet little Serenity. I'll never see her again," she cried miserably.

      She told Lord Draco to call off the search party, even though he had advised against it and thanked him for his help.

     Soon, it was Christmas Eve. Lilah sat in front of a warm fire and her bright Christmas Tree going through pictures of her and Serenity together. She found one from Serenity's first birthday. They both had cake all over themselves in the picture from where they had a cake fight. Lilah began to weep. She missed her so much. Lilah was about to start bawling when she heard a knock at her door.

     She got up and slumped over to the door. She opened it and something jumped at her, knocking her over. Then she heard squealing. It was Serenity! She was home and in her arms! Lilah was so ecstatic that she almost didn't notice the Krawk at the door. Still holding onto Serenity tightly, she got up and went to the door.

     "Thank you for bringing my Serenity home," she said, smiling.

      "It's no problem at all, ma'am," replied the Krawk, "It seems she was carried to Krawk Island by a strong wind we had earlier this month. She found my mansion and asked me to bring her here."

      Lilah then knew who the Krawk was. He was the governor of Krawk Island.

     "Thank you so much for bringing her home, Governor! Happy Holidays. Would you like to come in for some hot cocoa?"

     The governor nodded and walked in. They all sat in front of the fireplace, drinking hot cocoa and sharing stories. Serenity sat in Lilah's lap and told her about all the wonderful things she had seen on Krawk Island. The governor explained how he couldn't bring her back until the winds died down. He also told them stories about how he helped saved Krawk Island when it had gone under water. After hours of story sharing and laughing, the governor thanked Lilah for inviting him in and she thanked him once again. Lilah watched as he walked out the door and strolled down the path.

     Serenity started yawning. It was midnight, which was past both of their bedtimes. Lilah yawned too. She realized it was Christmas now.

     "Merry Christmas, my little Serenity."

     "Merry Christmas to you too, Momma Lilah."

     Lilah carried Serenity to bed. Just before they fell asleep, Serenity looked up at her.

      "This is the best Christmas present ever," Serenity said.

     Lilah was confused. She had ended up returning the Mootix, thinking she'd never see Serenity again.

     "What is, Serenity?"

     "Coming back home to you, Momma Lilah. I love you."

     Lilah started crying again, but this time because she was happy. Serenity was right. This was the perfect Christmas gift for both of them.

The End

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