Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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Unusual Suspects

by demon_foxy

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A Chia's Guide to Ice Cream Machine
Hi! I'm Adee the Chia. I live in my dream world in the Ice Cream Machine (or, as the cognoscenti describe it, ICM).

by 9shorerd


Gum Problem
Be careful with what you eat!

by arisuw


Showdown at Brightness Reef: Part Three
He had been moved by the Lutaris' purpose for seeking the maractite: to armor a ship with the water-resistant mineral so it could penetrate the Lutari Island storm and bring news and relief to that beleaguered land...

Also by solsticesprite

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Grundo on Ice: Part Four
Fallicina couldn't see anything but white snow around her. She started digging...

by klarasaar

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