teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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A Bit Sketchy - Low Budget Prizes

by raccoon353

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Infinity: Part Eight

It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

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Prizes - Keep, Sell, or Use? Part 2
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Interview With A Larnikin
A small table sits in the middle of the room: a table littered with papers, a tiny terrarium, pencils, more papers, an open book, and something that resembles a horn used as a primitive sound-amplifying device.

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Muckla goes to school #5
Not an A, but possibly a C for inventing a liquid volcano!

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