White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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by xxstreamfaeriexx

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Darkness Binding 4: Part Four
"Twisted, it comes down to what you say. Will you allow Creator to speak for the council, or will you each tell your side?"

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Who Needs a Royal Paint Brush? II
"You know how she's been losing her eyesight lately?" Cuni nodded, knowing the Snowbunny had recently run into the wall head-on. "Well, I took her to the Neopian Hospital. They told me they usually can only help Neopets, but promised to take a look at her."

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Shiirala was about to start another cycle of the argument when suddenly a better idea popped into her head, one that would have appeared much sooner if she'd been thinking clearly.

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The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Two
Tarin looked at himself and saw that his arms and body were bandaged in a few spots. They had been carefully wrapped in soft, white cloth. He closed his eyes again, then he heard a gentle voice...

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