For an easier life Circulation: 188,938,732 Issue: 545 | 18th day of Hunting, Y14
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The Adventures of Krawky

by miss_slowpoke

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Top Ten Birthday Cakes
The world of Neopia is filled with numerous cakes that are all delicious.

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Out of the Shadows: Part Seven
The entrance hall was a smoking mess. There was chunks of stone missing from every wall, and the pair of doors leading to the Library were hanging off their hinges...

by rachelindea


Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 1
The return of the return of the... Aw, forget it.

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Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part Four
The next morning, after breakfast, we six were gathered outside of the inn discreetly discussing plans, when Celine wandered into the alley next to the inn and started barking. We went after her to see what was up. Lying on the ground was...

by kristykimmy

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