A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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by phyllismi

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The Game of Master Hog: Part One
The guardsmen just shrugged it off and pulled their thick cloaks tighter about their shoulders, shrinking deeper into its warm embrace. To them it was just another storm...

by d_morton


Darkness Comes (Faerieland Falls)
The Faerieland Guards had been rounding a lot of people up; young and old, local and tourist alike would be found by the blank faced faeries and herded into the high, tower-like dungeons...

by karen_mckenzie


Crystals, a Terror Mountain Legend
The secret to crafting such "brilliant and beautiful" weapons has been carefully guarded, passed down through each owner of the Ice Crystal shop. 

This is the tale of the first two.

by dragon10044


Greenglade: Part Seven
"Here we are – Tayheir's territory." Laerya took a deep breath as she gazed at the dark foliage around her.

by aquadaika

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