Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,237,041 Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14
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by seel24

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Random Oddness
Yooyuball, the endless cycle.

by mistyqee


A Skeithy Situation: Issue 550 Special
Units of measurement are hilarious. Happy 550th, NT!

by meggyness


The Veritable Connoisseur
"I also know that you need only fifty more foods in order to get first place in the club, so I decided to send you something that could shorten your list down to forty-nine..."

by dragonstorm_75


Recommended Strategies for the NEXT Milestone Issue!
Regardless of why you're reading this, maybe some of you might one day like to be among the published writers, able to reap whatever incentive or benefit that you seek. Today, I will reveal some thus far "secret" writing tips that will equip you for the 600th Issue.

by tealnova_dragon

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