For an easier life Circulation: 189,271,873 Issue: 551 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Mutated Reality

by thegreenspark

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Aishoes: Questionable Decisions
I am going to...

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Of Squibble Berries and Olives: Part Three
Hanso turned to see Brynn standing in the doorway, dressed in her usual—wait a minute! "Whoa, Brynn, new uniform?" he asked.

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Neopia - A Quiz
How much do you know about the World of Neopia? Take this simple eleven question quiz today and see how you score.

by kadface


Ilere of the Woods
Kell lowers himself to the ground and turns to face his companion. "Obviously you've never heard of the legend."

by epiic_spork

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