Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 189,582,355 Issue: 556 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y14
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Home Life 2

by nickypanda

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Vague Questions
I think this has happened to all of us sometime.

by psychicstarstorm


Best Friends
"I am a Light Faerie, I am one with the stars, the light, the warmth of this world."

by pandora


Muckla and the Monthly Freebies
If ULTIMATE GENIUS pets pick virtually inedible foods, I'm alarmed at the thought of what dim-witted pets opt to eat...

by lovisa966


Kings and Curses: Part Seven
Jazan found that his fists were tightly clenched. Why couldn't the evil kings of Qasala stay dead?

by saphira_27

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