Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Neopian Science #1

by sang122

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Great stories!


Baby Adventures: The Mystery of the Fontaine Sisters - Part Two
As Treaphie was about to push the creaky wooden door, it was flung open from the inside by an angry-looking Red Mynci. "Arr, ye be takin' all me loot!" he snarled...

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Bread and Butter
Featuring Pie from Peppered Reality

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Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Ten
"Give it up, brother," a booming voice called.

Eva looked up and realised that she simply could not tell which twin was which.

by rachelindea


What's In A Name?
When you decide to create a new pet, you probably take lots of time choosing the species and picking out their future color. But when it comes to naming your new friend, many of us are at a loss!

by leafyshadow

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