A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Tayard's Troubles

by _tiger_nose

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Tales from Neopia Central: Part Five
"This is Clive Dunstable with a special report from the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters," he was saying as the camera panned round to reveal the sight of the building, most of the front wall missing.

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Questioning the Magma Pool Guard
Today, I'm bringing you an interview with the Magma Pool Guard, that illustrious Tonu that stands between Neopians and their chance to paint their pet a very exclusive magma color.

by impellent



by spirit_of_stallion


sanity ltd
Just how deep in thought is she?

by thunderlight314

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