Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 189,919,878 Issue: 563 | 21st day of Gathering, Y14
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Good Mood... Really?

by lastavenger

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Great stories!


You've Got A Friend In Me
Oh, why in Neopia had I ever agreed to this? Altador knew that I was terrible at Gormball...

by phantomsmelody1871


Funny Food - Part 1/5
I'm too short!!

Also by melovechias

by ilovejonulrich


Top 10 Sandwiches and Burgers!
Food is a huge part of Neopian living, and burgers and sandwiches are no exception.

by fairygold


I Will Stand Alone: Part Five
He shut the door behind him, and as he locked it again he heard a noise that made him jump and almost drop his tray. It was only after it repeated that he realized it was a snore...

by saphira_27

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