Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 189,880,593 Issue: 561 | 7th day of Gathering, Y14
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The Legendary Flower?

by fluffiehmedic

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The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part One
The Mynci was exhausted after seven rounds, but he was determined to win the eighth and final match. His opponent was a burly green Skeith who was so large Abe could hardly find the steed upon which he rode...

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by sandrilene


Attempting Ultimate Bullseye
"He obviously didn't like that joke."

"Well, what did you expect? You told a joke about OLIVES."

by silverdragonfly70


10 Super Cool Uses for Yoyos You Never Thought Of
Have you taken the time before to see past the toy, and look at it from a different perspective?

by spelt


The Youngest #13
Trying to get the Turmaculus avatar...

by fariy287

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