Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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The Shop Ads Neoboard Nowadays!

by deathnote

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Great stories!


Keep Smiling: Part One
He knew what he heard. It reminded him of days long past and things he thought he would never have again.

Lumin heard the sound of a string of chains clattering together.

by blueys45


Some Pets' Owners #2
"You couldn't just buy the scratchcard and walk away, could you?"

by minicoopermissy


Beneath a Pumpkin Moon: Part One
"You told a zombie Meepit he needed brains? What were you thinking?"

by lilahne_aluoki


Quest for the Dung Scarab: Issue 2 (part 1)
Issue 2 (part 1): Seeking

by cardquestmanager

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