The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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by unisarethebest2004

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To Work is to Live #9
Oh Em Gee I'm M.S.P~!

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Keep Smiling: Part Three
Now what? She had never had this feeling before: The feeling of not knowing what to do with her time.

by blueys45


Who Could Love A Quiguki?
Despite what you may believe, Quigukis have a small but loyal group of followers.

by drama_freak4


Masquerade: Part Five
The overpowering stench of old books filled my nose as we entered the maze of the Archives. Several Neopets browsing through books instinctively glanced up at us before returning their gazes to their own tasks.

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