A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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A Guide to Neopia's Finest Foods for This Christmas

by melaiv


Also by deathbykarma

It's that time of year again where we all eat excessively, filling up our bellies with the delicious foods we make for the special holidays. After all, we won't get it for another year! Then there are the Neopians who might get tired of having the same thing on their plate each year. It's old, boring, and eventually becomes tasteless. This is where we come in to save you from that this holiday. We will now introduce the information that has been gathered for each of the following foods. We have tried each of these foods ourselves to make sure they're up to par for this season and enjoyable for you! If you're ready for a change in your annual meal, then you have come to the right spot.

1) Roxtons Mug of Hot Chocolate - Everyone knows it's not Christmas until you bring around the hot chocolate. Whether you like it whilst you're out and about at night to view Christmas lights on your neighborhood's houses or snuggled inside to listen to holiday stories with your family, hot chocolate is always a must-have for the holidays! We have recommended Roxtons Mug of Hot Chocolate for you after testing various kinds of the sort. Not only is it the perfect temperature to warm you up, it's also very delicious! The creaminess of the hot chocolate is sweet and has a wonderful chocolaty impact. To top it all off, this drink is perfected with the finest whipped cream of Neopia and a plump, juicy cherry. This drink is guaranteed to bring you holiday cheer!

2) Ham and Turkey Feast - What's a Christmas dinner without turkey and ham on your table? That's right, it's NOT one. Having these two succulent meats included in your holiday meals is a tradition for many Neopian households and families- that is the reason why the Ham and Turkey Feast is the most suitable for you! Not only is this certain to have everybody's food preferences, but it has the perfect mix of seasonings for both meats. While the ham has a perfect honey-glazed coat that flavors it right to the bone, the turkey is sprinkled with many perfect measures of savory seasonings. This feast is enough to even make King Skarl drool and be filled with satisfaction.

3) Flaming Christmas Pudding - As much as a Neopian loves delicious pies and cakes for their dessert, this Christmas pudding is sure to be just as loved. It has a smooth, perfectly sweet vanilla flavoring with a hint of holiday spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. To add a dashing feature that brightens up the dining table, the pudding is garnished with bright red holly berries. Assuming you will be uncomfortably full after a great big dinner, this dessert is light enough to leave you feeling no fuller than you were before(unless you have the monstrous appetite of a Skeith, that is). Since this dish is served with and required to be alight with flames for proper cooking, we suggest you take caution to blow them out before proceeding to eat and to be able to fully enjoy it!

4) Cranberry Turkey Sandwich - Almost everyone will have leftovers from the great big meal families have for Christmas. Eating the same thing over a few days gets old, doesn't it? If that's the case, why not make a bit of change to the next lunch you use these wonderful leftovers? That is why a Cranberry Turkey Sandwich is a good recommendation for you. Taking a few spoonfuls of some sweet, tangy cranberry sauce and a couple of slices of deliciously seasoned turkey to put on a toasted sandwich bun makes for an easy lunch that will leave you satisfied! It may not sound so good at first, but it most certainly is. Your leftovers will be gone before you know it when you make these succulent sandwiches.

5) Flaming Food Cornucopia - Vegetables are always an important element to Christmas dinner. Alas, not everyone likes each kind of veggie. For that reason, that is why it's wise to place a cornucopia full of them in the center of your dining table this holiday. A Flaming Food Cornucopia is the best choice! Many believe that cornucopias are only for thanksgiving, but who says they are? It cooks your food to roasted perfection and leaves your guests with a variety to choose from. Not only that, cornucopias create a very festive setting. This is another item to take caution to, what with the flames burning and all. It is suggested to blow them out before placing and serving. And, if you feel you want to add to it, take another cornucopia to fill with many of the popular Neopian Christmas crackers!

6) Spiced Pomegranate Tea - Unfortunately, not everyone is always for hot chocolate. With the winter time being the season of pomegranates, it's perfect for this tea. Now that the fruit is at its ripest stage, it's certain to be made into an incredibly warming and sweetened tea. This is a drink any tea-lover would be absolutely happy with. The tartness of pomegranates, the sweetness of sugar mixed in, and a dash of allspice added makes for a flawlessly balanced measure of a soothing tea. Best of all, it compliments that slice of pumpkin pie you'll be having for dessert as well! Almost anything you have with it, the Spiced Pomegranate Tea is a fantastic choice for a warm refreshment all throughout the Christmas season.

There are countless amounts of choices for foods you can have to cook for your guests this Christmas- these are only a few of those that were found to be highly favored. You can find many other fantastic dishes, and it starts with trying out the variety of holiday foods all throughout the lands of Neopia. We wish you well on your endeavor to put together a wonderful meal this Christmas. Enjoy the holidays, and stay safe. Merry Christmas to all Neopians!

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