There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 190,649,045 Issue: 581 | 8th day of Awakening, Y15
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by jb_rocky

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Sharp Strokes
The alternative to Bloat-B-Gone; a snowball to the gut.

by luciantheblaze


Derrière Despair
If ever there was reason enough for a Valentine Day Paint Brush - this is it!

by carrotopian


A Week in the Life of a Junior Defender: Part Six
Two hundred or so Defenders travelling in a giant mob at top speed is actually a pretty awe-inspiring sight.

by rachelindea


Neopian Noms: Shenkuu
Delicious food for the entire Neo-family to be found in the mysterious (and tasty) land of Shenkuu.

by meaghan_bright

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