A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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A Wonderful Day

by alicia10l

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Summer... Fun?
I was practicing the piano, as I normally did at that time in the afternoon. I was interrupted by my mother, who leapt into the music room, slipped on the carpet, and fell...

by kristykimmy


5 Ways To Use Your Fountain Faerie Quest
She lazes around her Fountain all day, waiting for a kind Neopian to come by. When they do, she asks them to find her the item she has lost. Delight spreads across the lucky Neopian's face as they race off for the item.

by river_valley37


Meanwhile in Tyrannia...
Also evil looking Neopets love to eat some veggies!

by tirrya


Chronicles of a Scuffed-Up Battledome Pet
Tips and lessons learned from our first war.

by shusu_chan

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