teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Hey Little Kad, What Can I Get You?

by rainbowcupcakee

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Budget Weaponry
You've got eight slots for your "set" and you want to have at least the following...

by dusket


3 points in health?

by ttuks


Hoard: Part Two
The air at the top of the mountain was thinner than the rest of the world, which always sent me into a coughing fit when I got higher up...

by emma_manatee


Everyone Loves the Undead: Part Five
"Then you may have to wake him," Franks suggested. "Just try to do it without a stake in your hand. Vampires get funny about that sort of thing."

by herdygerdy

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