Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 190,991,725 Issue: 592 | 26th day of Eating, Y15
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It's Mortog Time!

by hideri

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"I repented for one transgression," the thief said. "But I can never repent for them all, and I do not mean to try."

by microfilariae


Seeing Red: The All-Night Neopian
How neopets feel when you wake them in the middle of the night to work on game trophies...

by xxlifexdeniedxx


Cybunny Carnival: 10 Playful Cybunny Inspired Items
Here are some Cybunny inspired gift suggestions to celebrate this special occasion!

by chomby_fanatic2


Best and Worst Toys for Babies
Vanellope and I are here to help you find out what toys are ok or not ok for baby neopets to play with.

by vslats

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