Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Acquisitions Specialists: Part Three

by archetype


Brynn peered out into the empty desert from the Qasalan gates. "Right, the guard said we just keep the sun on our left until we hit the river, and after we cross that we'll be able to see Sakhmet in the distance."

      Hanso looked out to the endless flat sand. "If you say so."

      "It's not too far. We'll be there before sundown and we can ask for an audience with Princess Amira in the morning. Come on!"

      A comfortable silence settled between the two as they left Qasala behind them. Despite Hanso's obvious skepticism at Brynn's sense of direction, he seemed to have recovered from whatever had him in a bad mood before.

      "Are you humming?"

      "Hmm? Uh... yes?"

      Brynn wondered why, but she didn't push. She was just happy to have cheerful Hanso back.

      "Hey, what's that?"

      Brynn turned to find Hanso had stopped, and was pointing to the east.

      "Looks like a cloud to me," she said. The only other things in sight were the sand and the sky.

      "But, it's the middle of the desert. Do they get dark storm clouds like that out here?" Hanso's voice was starting to sound slightly panicked.

      "Good point..." Brynn squinted at the horizon. "Sandstorm?" She suggested. "We could turn back for shelter in Qasala until it passes, I think we'll have enough time."

      "I think we should run."

      Brynn stopped looking at the dark cloud and turned to Hanso. "What?" She asked, slightly scared now that Hanso looked slightly scared. If he thinks it's bad, then it's probably worse.

      "RUN!" Hanso shouted, and pushed Brynn in front of him, facing away from the cloud.

      "Why?" She panted as she ran as well as she could in the soft sand.

      Hanso turned his head to look again, but didn't stop running. "Not a storm... swarm..."



      Brynn turned to look, too. The cloud... swarm, looked much closer than before. She could see dots in the cloud, moving.

      "We can't outrun it!" She shouted.

      "I know!"

      "So what do we do?" Brynn was getting tired. Sinking into the sand made running much harder.



      "Jump in the river!"

      Brynn skidded to a stop at the edge of the water. They had indeed reached the river that they were supposed to cross on their way to Sakhmet. But now...

      "Jump in!" Hanso yelled as he did just that, and the current began to pull him downstream.

      Brynn hesitated. The water seemed to move very fast. Too fast. She froze at the edge.

      "Come on!" Hanso had grabbed onto a rock, and was waving at her to get in.

      Brynn shook her head. It was silly. She would be fine, right? She glanced over her shoulder and saw that the swarm had almost caught up to them, then closed her eyes and jumped.

      She gasped at the cool water after the heat of the desert sun. Hanso swam up a bit and grabbed onto her arm. "What now?" she asked. "It's still getting closer." If her voice shook, it was because the water was cold, that was all. Really.

      "When it passes over us, go under the water."

      "You think that will work?"

      "Well, I'm hoping these bugs don't like water."

      "You're hoping?"

      Hanso managed a shrug even while treading water and helping Brynn stay afloat. "Trust me?"

      Brynn turned back to look at the fast approaching swarm. The loud buzz was almost deafening. Well, she thought, here goes.

      She took a deep breath, and went under.


      The last time I went for a swim, it was also not really by choice.

      I had been officially in the Guard for several months, and had to take my turn patrolling the Brightvale borders. My partner, a senior guard named Albert, was obviously uninterested in patrol duty and in babysitting me, but I didn't mind. I preferred the silence to awkward conversation.

      It was just our luck, then, that the spring rains came in full force that night.

      Albert had dozed off against the parapets of the outer wall. I was just about to wake him and ask that we seek shelter. It was unlikely any potential invaders would be out in this weather, either. The storm protected Brightvale better than the two of us ever could. But then, I was blinded by a flash of lightning, and when I could see again, Albert was gone from the wall.

      I looked down, and saw him below, fighting the stream which had swollen with the downpour. I was never the best swimmer, but there really was no question. So I dived.

      To this day I try my best to not remember those few terrifying moments which felt like an eternity.

      They gave me a medal for saving him.

      I wish they hadn't.


      Brynn finally allowed herself to break the surface of the water. As she gulped air she noted with relief that the swarm had ignored the river and continued on their way.

      She also noted that Hanso had not let go of her arm.

      She chose not to comment on that, as she really didn't mind. And maybe, just maybe, she even found it comforting to have an anchor in the moving water. Instead she asked, "Think it's safe to get out?"

      Hanso seemed to enjoy breathing too much to respond, but dragged Brynn along to the edge and hauled them out of the water.

      "Are you alright?"

      Brynn looked up, and realized she was still on all fours, shaking and gasping for breath. "I'm... I'm alright. Really." She shook some water out of her hair and tried to steady her breathing.

      Hanso stared for a second longer, not looking convinced, but he didn't press further. "Well, I don't see any sign of Sakhmet, but I guess we did cross the river at the wrong place. There's a tower or something over there though, maybe there's somebody who can help us."

      Brynn looked in the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, a single spire stood up from the flat expanse of desert. Nothing looked like the domes of Sakhmet. She nodded to agree, not trusting her voice.

      Thankfully, Hanso didn't say another word about the river incident. And by the time they reached the spire she almost felt normal.

      "Hmm, what is this, I wonder?" Hanso mused.

      "Not sure." Brynn looked up, and up, and up. This close, the spire looked even taller, and she could make out unintelligible markings on the otherwise flawless pillar of stone.

      "Who goes there?"

      Both of them turned at the voice, and Brynn scowled as Hanso moved in front of her in a protective stance. Only one of them had actually been trained to fight, after all.

      "And who's asking?" Hanso shot back.

      The strange Usul did not answer, but instead adjusted the grip on his spear.

      Brynn shoved in front of Hanso. "We don't mean any harm. We just got lost. Can you help us?"

      The Usul gave them a long look before finally speaking. "I am Ammon, son of Amun, guardian of the Shrine. What help do you seek, travelers?"

      Hanso looked disgruntled at being shoved out of the way, so Brynn answered for them. "We're looking for the city of Sakhmet, could you point us in the right direction?"

      Ammon gave a nod, and pointed in a direction. "The city is several hours walk from here. Walk on and keep the Shrine behind you, with the sun on your left."

      "Thank you," Brynn said, gratefully.

      "Hang on," Hanso interjected. "What Shrine, this thing?"

      Ammon stood taller as he replied, "This is the Shrine of King Coltzan III. I am its guardian."

      "Yes, you've uh, mentioned that." Hanso pointed out. "So, what does the shrine do?"

      "Coltzan's Shrine is inhabited by the spirit of the great King himself. Approach, if you are pure of heart, for you may receive a blessing. If you are not, then beware the anger of Coltzan, and mine, for I am guardian of the shrine."

      "Yes, yes indeed you are." Hanso clapped his hands together. "So, let's see it then. Great Coltzan, I am approaching the Shrine!"


      "Relax, Brynn, what's the worst that can happen?"


      The duo turned, and Ammon continued, "The worst is that nothing will happen, for nothing has happened for over a fortnight. Coltzan's spirit slumbers, or has forsaken the Shrine forever."

      Brynn looked interested, now. "Has this ever happened before?"

      "No. Coltzan's spirit has always been with the Shrine, for as long as I have been guardian, and my father, and his father, and--"

      "Right, yes, gotcha." Hanso stopped the Usul from going on.

      "That's strange, then. If we hear anything in Sakhmet we'll come back and let you know?" Brynn offered.

      Ammon looked grateful. "Yes, thank you. I would go for news myself, except I cannot leave because I am--"

      "Guardian of the Shrine, yes, we know," chorused Brynn and Hanso.

      Hanso rolled his eyes. "Nice to meet you, but we should be going now."

      Ammon gave them a stiff nod. "Good luck, travelers. May you unravel this troubling mystery before long."


      "What a strange fellow," Hanso remarked once the towering monolith was far enough behind them.

      "It must get lonely," reasoned Brynn. "Out in the middle of the desert, guarding that thing."


      Several hours later, as promised, the two finally arrived at the grand gates of Sakhmet.

      "Halt! Names and business."

      Brynn looked up at the towering elephant guards standing in front of the gates, and said in her best unimpressed Captain-of-the-Guard voice, "Brynn and Hanso, of Faerieland, here on official business with the Princess."

      Hanso looked mildly impressed, but stayed silent and gave the guards a bland smile.

      Brynn allowed herself a short moment of smug satisfaction as the guards opened the gates and let them in.

      "Well, looks like we don't need directions to the palace, at least."

      Hanso looked up at the magnificent towering dome of the Sakhmet palace. "Nope, I think we can manage this one all on our own."

      At the palace, Brynn found out from another guard that the Princess usually held audience in the mornings, and offered them a guest room for the night.

      As Brynn tried to made herself comfortable on a bed with far too many pillows, while Hanso did the same on the lounge seat, she asked, "Do you think this will work?"

      "What? Will the Princess of Sakhmet tell two random strangers where a powerful magical artifact is and let us take it back to Faerieland?"

      "Yeah. Though, when you put it like that..."

      "Hey, you're the one who wanted to go and ask. I was all for running in and taking it, remember?"

      Brynn sighed. "I don't know if it will work, honestly, but... I just have to ask first, you know?"

      "I know." Hanso said, softly.

      "Good night, Hanso."

      "Good night, Brynn."

To be continued...

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» Acquisitions Specialists: Part One
» Acquisitions Specialists: Part Two
» Acquisitions Specialists: Part Four
» Acquisitions Specialists: Part Five

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