Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,157,662 Issue: 598 | 7th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Team Spirit

by irasshai

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The Puppeteer: Part Ten
The next morning was heralded by one of Tzu's soldiers walking into camp, holding a white flag. Kai watched with interest as the silver Draik strolled past the hostile gazes of the other pets...

by rachelindea


Tales of NeoQuest II: Mipsy the Magnificent Magician
In Meridell, there is a town called White River City where, across a stuck bridge, a certain blue Acara sits and waits for something – but what that something is, she isn't entirely sure yet.

by faeriequeenoffire


Battledome Woes
We're going to dominate.

by admonisher


The Misadventures of a Grumpy Plumpy
What... is... THIS??

by gypsychic420

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