Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,494,866 Issue: 606 | 2nd day of Hiding, Y15
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Kooshie's Pet

by larenchan

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Top Five Reasons Why Not to Give a High Five - #5
It's physically impossible.

Also by cevierakasky

by centrifugeuse


The Profits of War
Two shadowed figures bet over an iron cauldron, the silence punctuated by soft bubbling and occasional, rough giggles. The scene was nestled in a dark glade within a forest, with a thin mist creeping forth...

by dragonstorm_75


Turning Pages - Part 3
And this description definitely isn't referencing a joke in the comic because that would be, like, meta-ception.

by jupebox


A Pirate's Tale: Dark Lullaby - Part Eight
The first thing he saw as his eyes shot open was a large, golden oyster on his bed. He immediately recoiled from the vile thing, which brought about the first thing he felt - a gut wrenching pain in his leg.

by kandeegrrl

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