Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,224,933 Issue: 600 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y15
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Good Intentions

by hufflepuff

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The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Four
Chaos; it was absolute chaos. As soon as the Scorchio had said the word "bake" there was a mad dash to the back of the room, where the fridges were located.

by meganhilty


Symphonically Clean
Knock knock knock. "Oh, I'm coming," she grumbled, pushing herself up from the floor and brushing stray feathers from her apron.

by teaspill


Rebuilding a Guild
She's quitting as leader? What happens now? But then you read on. Your position as a measly member is over, although you did like being a Sensei. Now you are La Jefa, the big cheese, the boss man.

by pillarbox


Sir Reginel and the Day the News Went Missing
It was a quiet day, and I knew exactly what I would do with my free time... drink some cheap coffee from my grandfather's mug and read through the latest issue of the Neopian Times in hopes of finding a potential case.

by coco_bella

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