Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 191,416,046 Issue: 604 | 19th day of Swimming, Y15
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Feeding Your Pets

by midnight_star411

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Great stories!


An Allegedly, Absolute Arrangement
I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through...

Also by centrifugeuse

by roxanna203


Another Shade of Green: Part Four
Jhudora was filled with frustration following Illusen's powerful display. "It's not fair! Why do her tears create a magnificent home and mine do nothing?!"

by ewagon


Ridley's Ruin: Part Two
"So he wants you to join his band?" Fay asked, crinkling up his nose like he always did when he didn't believe something.

by ireneholmes


A Tale of Two Bori: Part Twelve
Trealiy stayed up all night in the courtyard with Lunara and Terrana, telling them his story. Every few sentences, Lunara would turn to her sister and translate the words into their Shenkuu dialect...

by jjquil

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