Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 191,494,866 Issue: 606 | 2nd day of Hiding, Y15
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KS: Creative Licensing

by semmy_genius

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TakoPets- Hermit
Owners these days!!

by baby_usul


Road to Fame - Maggie's Idea (Part 4 of 6)
Just remember: never try to understand women!

by emmilou123


Chance and Fate
He watched the boy's progress from the shelter of a nondescript alleyway.

by sporty2443


How To Make Lunch (HTML) - IDs, anchors, and targets
There's always this one thing that irks me (and my Meepit legion). It's about anchored pages and somehow 75% of the pages I've looked at utilize an old, outdated idea...

by pokemonsappire267

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