Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,485,197 Issue: 607 | 9th day of Hiding, Y15
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Bread and Butter

by _epiphany_

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Shad and Saura: The Secret Belowdecks - Part Eight
Darkness fell on the Revenge like a heavy cloud. When Scarblade had announced to the crew that the threat had been contained and pacified, there'd been a good deal of celebrating and when pirates celebrate, they do it thoroughly.

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


My Grarrl Bob!
Graw... graw!

by larenchan


An Interview with King Hagan
Today, in honor of Brightvale's discovery, we're sitting down with the King to ask him a few questions about his life as one of Neopia's many rulers.

by devilish_gymnast


The Old Switcheroo: Part Four
"It was going all right, at first! It was fun," Hanso explained, sounding as though he still couldn't quite believe what had happened. "Until... until I... I took off the hood."

by liouchan

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