Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 191,757,338 Issue: 610 | 30th day of Hiding, Y15
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No Going Back Now

by johannabelle2009


"Which one of us said this was a good idea?"

     Rolling my eyes, I quickly brush off some dirt from my fur and kick the rock that made me trip in the first place, immediately regretting it. Once I limp over to the dim-wit who made me come out here into the wretched jungle, my knees give out and my body plops down to the ground with a distinct thump.

     It had been awhile since I had drank any water, so my throat was screaming in protest as I swallowed down a small bite of old pear jelly. I didn't exactly get time to prepare for this, so I pretty much stuffed anything possibly useful in my worn bag and rushed out the door. But I didn't think to bring any nice, pure, soothing water. Nope.

     With a glance around, my eyes note that the cold darkness of night that ruled the atmosphere when we left has now faded to a dim light and moderate chill. Better than before, I guess. My grumpy state quickly turns to curiosity though, as I wonder how long we've been trekking through the forest.

     But When I turn around to ask my Kougra accompaniment, they've already started walking away through the dense overgrown vegetation. Panicking, I clumsily shuffle to my feet and stumble over to him. Luckily, he is as exhausted as I am, and isn't moving at a fast pace.

     "Hey! We need to stick together, it's easy to get lost in all these plants. Why can't we just take a break?" I whine helplessly.

     As obvious as it is that he really would like to rest after what must be hours of walking, my brother shakes his head firmly, too determined to stop, apparently. "No. We need to keep going."

     "What time is it anyways? I'd like to know how long I've been exerting myself." I scoff, rolling my eyes dramatically.

     Arkan glances at his rusted watch. That thing is hardly dependable anymore. "S'bout three in the morning."

     "Great," I mumble. "Would you mind telling me again where we are even going?"


     That's all. Geraptiku. He has yet to tell me why exactly, but by the look on his face, I decide against it, afraid he might flip out on me. I cringe at the thought. He usually isn't, but when he is seriously set on doing something, he can get unreasonably defensive, and it's not something you want to encounter. Right now is one of those times.

     We keep walking and I try to keep track of what I have in my bag, because there is absolutely nothing to do here unless you make up your own games.

     Half of a pear jelly with little pieces missing. A simple dagger for vines, or in case things get out of hand. Approximately three-thousand two-hundred fifty-six neopoints. That's it. Apparently I was really sleepy when I packed because I don't have too many things. But I guess I can't blame myself, as I was pretty much dragged out of my bed to get ready, and the few things I did pack are at least useful.

     With a glance to my side, I see a small, flash of grey skin slip through the trees above. Must be some type of bat-like animal. With a laugh, I make quick work to ask Arkan if he saw it.

     But, instead of an answer, I run into his back, and make a sound of protest as I nearly fall over. "Hey! Why aren't you walking, "Mr. We Must Keep Mo-"

     I cut myself off when I take an annoyed look over his shoulder. My expression quickly changes to awe as I spy the skulls that have been wedged on top of tall sticks and the seemingly deserted buildings. But most definitely the most eye-catching thing here is the huge temple that towers over everything else.

     "Where are we?" I whisper.


     My eyes widen at the fact. "Really?"

     "Yeah. And we are going in there." He concludes with a slight nod towards the temple. But I don't miss the slight tremor his voice has when he finishes his sentence.

     I scoff. "Why exactly are we going in there?" It's ridiculous, really. Sure, explorers and such can go in and get as much adventure as they want. But I'm most definitely not an explorer.

     He glares at me for contradicting him, but behind that I can see excitement lighten up his expression. "Treasure. Apparently there is treasure deep in the temple."

     "And you expect us to find it? I honestly don't know why you had the thought of bringing me here in the first place. You knew I would be like this."

     Arkan growls and bares his teeth. "I was going to share the loot with you, Aymissa." He says my name like it was pure venom. With that, he shakes his head, annoyed, and keeps moving.

     Why did you have to bring me? Rage flows off of me in waves, but I force my feet to move and stiffly follow him. For the first time, I take a good look around the place. All the buildings seem abandoned, like they haven't been touched in forever and the wood of their structures rotting.

     Quite possibly the most disturbing thing of Geraptiku is the skulls. They are everywhere you look. Most are gathered on the ground in random clumps, the species varied it seems. But some are sitting atop tall sticks, almost like strange ornaments. The people who used to live here must have taken pride in those skulls I suppose.

     When I glance towards one of the ruined buildings, something slithers quickly past my feet. With a squeal, I jump back, causing Arkan to glance behind him at me.

     "Calm down, would you? I thought Lupes were supposed to be brave." He scoffs, a slight smirk appearing on his smug face.

     I huff and turn away. I was brave, but some things just make you startled instinctively. Then again, Arkan probably wouldn't be scared...

     Looking off into the direction of the temple I realize we are a lot closer to it now, and are soon to be entering it. The thought of what may lie inside that place makes me cringe uncomfortably. I don't exactly want to deal with anything particularly dangerous.

     When Arkan stops, I nearly run into him again, but stop myself. "Try warning me when you freeze next time," I mumble. Looking over his shoulder, I see that the entrance to the temple is right in front of us.

     "So. We are going in there? You know, if I get hurt, it's your fault." I'm skeptical, I know, but really, if I can convince Arkan to let this go, it'd be a whole lot easier than going in and having to deal with whatever is inside the temple.

     "Yep. Got a problem with it little sister? 'Cause I'm not changing my mind." He smiles.

     This is a horrible idea. A horrible idea that probably won't end up in us taking a bath in treasure. Nope, probably not. From the looks of it, he doesn't even have any food, and all I have is a scrap of jelly, a dagger and some neopoints that have no use here. By the looks of this place, it seems like our fur would be caked in dirt in about two days and we might be in there a whole week. Me and Arkan have better things to do than go on an adventure-more like a survival quest.

     As my thoughts of doubt are brewing in my head, Arkan just shakes his head, still smiling.

     "You know you want to."

     I stick my nose up in the air and sniff. "No."

     "Well, if you're going to be like that-" He cuts himself off and quickly grabs me. I barely have time to think, and even if I tried I wouldn't be able to pull away, he's too strong.

     Before I know it, he's pulled me past the opening that leads into the tomb, and when the stone door slams shut in an instant, I know we are stuck.

     The cheesy grin appears on Arkan's face makes my entire being and soul cringe. "No going back now, little sister."

The End

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