Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,614,706 Issue: 611 | 6th day of Gathering, Y15
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Aisha Soup

by the_shii

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Taking Stock
He'd been sitting out in the sun too long, trying to enjoy his Kiko Lake vacation, but despite it all, the stress from his real life back as an analyst in the Neopian Stock Market was taking over.

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Baby Bore: A Tale of Darigan's Dare Again
Being a school teacher, you hear absurd stories that one would dare to tell.

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Lost in... Jelly World?
For years Neopians everywhere have claimed a certain world doesn't exist.

by butterfly7672


Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Three
The guests had gone home with nothing on their lips but tales of the previous night's burglary. It was said by at least two gentlemen that Mr. Pufferton had engaged in fisticuffs with the rapscallion and come away with a black eye.

by emblo93

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