Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,754,914 Issue: 618 | 25th day of Collecting, Y15
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The Goofers - Halloween Special

by lintsuf

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Great stories!


Common Sense: Halloween Edition
I am the wicked Eliv Thade!

by supergirl_lazergirl


How to Spend Your Halloween
A list of things to make your Halloween SPOOKtacular!

by _pittypat13_


The Tree's Festivities
Neopia's most famous trees join in the Halloween festivities...

by kitteh_love_forever


The Island of Mist: Part Two
"That doesn't look much like any temple I've ever seen," Del said, tilting his head to the side at extreme angles. "And I've seen a surprising amount of temples for my age. Are you sure this is the right place?"

by lizzy_beth_750551

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