For an easier life Circulation: 192,004,471 Issue: 623 | 6th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Just Me

by pinksparklesz

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Plight of the Fallen
On a day when two fortresses still claimed the Neopian skies, there came time for an urgent meeting. While mechanized gears chugged their solemn songs within the Citadel's boiler room, a council of twenty sat in a shuttered room near Darigan's private chambers.

by parody_ham


Dinner with the Scarlets: When Faerieland Fell
It was not easy being a journalist for the Faerieland Gazette during The Faerie's Ruin.

by june_scarlet


In The Heat Of The Moment: Part Three
The city of Kharuit proved to be as beautiful as the other Lost Desert dwellings I had seen, granted though those were in books; this was my first time actually visiting the locale.

by horripilated


Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Five
The Citadel was at war.

by herdygerdy

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