Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 191,906,077 Issue: 624 | 13th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Issue 3

by cryslalfire

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Deeper: Part Five
I looked over at the other desk in the room. It was Lynette's desk, I knew. I didn't know if any of her stuff was still there, or if Buzz would mind if I worked there...

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Goes Without Saying
Where are you off to?

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Slorgclops Parade: Surprise Needles
"Sorry, I don't know how that got in here" isn't gonna cut it this time.

by leedit5


Terror No More: A Winter Wonderland
Gone are the nasty caves and the howling winds. Gone is the spirit of desolation and terror. Instead, there is a peculiar warmth that floats through the air...

by noxlyx

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