teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 192,063,087 Issue: 628 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y16
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Some Treasures are Better Left Untouched

by lockord

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Deeper: Part Eight
"So," I said, stepping in her path and holding up my blaster. "Not the innocent little girl you pretended to be, are you? Get down!"

Sharron snarled, reaching for her blaster anyway.

by kristykimmy


Trophies FAQ
I've seen a lot of people asking about the same thing in the games board so I decided to take note of the most frequently asked questions about trophies.

by nicanorduarte


No Hands

by midnight_star411


One Way: Part Six
When I woke up, Faith was sitting cross-legged right front of me. My mind was thick with sleep. But when my eyes met her face, I yelped and sat up.

by ellbot1998

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