A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Be Careful What You Fish For

by mandypandy667

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Celebrating Jhudora's Day without the Evil
If you're in the celebrating mood, but don't want to commit to the evil that Jhudora is known for, here are some fun ways for you to enjoy your purple and green filled day.

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Sophie in the Sewers
Before he came, when Neovia was a land of peace, I was just that little girl who was always getting into trouble.

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Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Six
"You will be a miserable fyora without your sister to keep you in check! You have not her reason or wisdom!"

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Adventures and Such at Camp Batterfly: Part Four
The rest of the campers ran in. Zita was the only one left.

"Hmm, what letter am I missing?" said the JubJub counselor.

"Z," said Zita.

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