teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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Random Oddness: Valentines

by mistyqee

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Worth Fighting For: Part Six
"That's the biggest Lyins I've ever seen!" Blynn exclaimed, nocking a piece of ammo in her slingshot and taking aim...

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Fireballs Among Friends: Part Two
"Remember that. Always use as little energy as you can to achieve what you want to – you'll never regret having saved some power for later."

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You'd been working with Vincent for four months when she arrived.

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Through Moltara and Back
She was no stranger to doing whatever it took to complete a mission. Lampyri was a Firefly, a glowing Buzz that lived in the City of Lights, a cave located in the uppermost region of Moltara.

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